Friday, 3 November 2017

7pm to 9pm

Constitutive Session

The General Assembly will begin with a ceremonious opening: statements and speeches will be made on the historical dimension and political necessity of a world parliament. In the constitutive session, the assembled representatives will also elect the chair, consisting of a President and two Vice-Presidents, who open, lead and close the sessions. Following the swearing-in, the chair will present the agenda for the following days. In the President’s first public address, the members of the German Bundestag will be invited to join the newly constituted assembly of the global Third Estate.

Speakers: Jo Seoka (Bishop and activist), Khushi Kabir (human rights activist from Bangladesh), Milo Rau (director, author and initiator of the „General Assembly“), Ulrike Guérot (Professor for European Policy and Democracy Studies), Wolfgang Kaleck (human rights attorney, founder of the ECCHR), Katja Kipping (chairperson and member of the German Parliament, The Left), Andreas Bummel (head of the international campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly)
Delegates: Aral Balkan (cyborg rights activist of Turkish origin), Tugrul Selmanoğlu (AKP supporter)

Saturday, 4 November 2017

10am to 1pm

First Plenary Session: Diplomatic Relations, Sanctions and Wars

Ever since the establishment of the United Nations and the ratification of the charter for the maintenance of world peace, the uphold of international law and the protection of human rights, there has been a debate about if and when military interventions or economic sanctions are necessary, whether diplomatic relations with authoritarian governments or terrorist regimes should be maintained, if the deliveries of arms to conflict areas is permissible and when to extradite convicts to other countries. In the “General Assembly”, the people affected will debate and decide on these transnational issues: war victims, supporters of governments subjected to diplomatic criticism as well as their opponents, victims of crimes against humanity as well as convicts.

Motion 1.1: Military intervention and financial and logistic support for armies can only be decided by an independent transnational democratic authority. Intervention by national states always serves national political and economic interests and consequently violates international law.
Delegates: [fallen ill: Fouad El Haj (Palestinian activist)], Vladimir Umeljić (Serbian historian), Shota Bukoshi (Filmmaker from Kosovo), Huda Abuzeid (Libyan democracy activist), Kathrin Vogler (member of the German Parliament, The Left)

Motion 1.2: If governments forcibly oppress parts of the population, the afore-mentioned transnational democratic authority must decide whether or not to recognize the opposition or the territories striving for independence. If there is a positive decision, the national states are obligated to establish diplomatic relations with these parties and take their political interests into account.
Delegates: Ali Ertan Toprak (chairman of the Kurdish Community Germany), Tugrul Selmanoğlu (AKP supporter), Ala’a Shehabi (activist against surveillance), Anwar al-Bunni (lawyer, Syrian opposition), Quim Arrufat (Candidatura d’Unitat Popular)

Motion 1.3: War and economic crimes must be consistently prosecuted by an independent authority beyond the borders of the national states. If there is reasonable ground for suspicion, the sovereignty of the national states can be called into question. All legal entities are entitled to take legal action on an international level if national prosecution is not possible or not intended.
Delegates: Winfried Hempel (lawyer, former resident of Colonia Dignidad), Doğan Akhanlı (writer of Turkish origin), Jean-Louis Gilissen (lawyer at the ICC, defense attorney), Prince Kihangi (Congolese human rights activist), Pablo Fajardo Mendoza (lawyer in the class action lawsuit against the energy company Chevron Corporation)

Closing statement: Wolfgang Kaleck (human rights attorney, founder of the ECCHR)

1.30pm to 4.30pm

Second Plenary Session: The Regulation of Global Economy

After 50 years of neoliberal hegemony, the global movement of goods, services and capital supported by countless free trade agreements has resulted in a dense network of efficient yet inadequately regulated interdependencies reaching across the borders of the national states as well as a great deal of challenging overall developments: human rights violations by multinational companies are rarely prosecuted, inexpensive consumption is made possible through exploitation and land grabbing and attempts to regulate the world market involve protectionism and corruption. In the “General Assembly”, the related political questions will be debated and decided on by, among others, displaced farmers, local entrepreneurs and government officials, who are disadvantaged due to Western regulatory procedures, exploited textile workers and victims of torture and violence.

Motion 2.1: Corruption, land grabbing and human rights violations by multinational corporations in collaboration with governments must be prosecuted on an international level. Furthermore, these crimes must be judged in accordance with the local law (constitution) and human rights and be sanctioned accordingly.
Delegates: Feri Irawan (activist against palm oil companies in Indonesia), Kiringai Kamau (Kenyan rural entrepreneur), Khadja Bedati (Sahraouian activist), Lúcio Bellentani (former employee at a VW plant in Brazil), Diogo Costa (Instituto Mises Brasil)

Motion 2.2: The constitutional rights of all peoples and systems involved directly or indirectly in manufacturing and supply chains – whether they are human or non-human – must be ensured at all times. All actors, from workers to producers to retailers to consumers, can be held responsible for the violation of rights within the supply chain.
Delegates: Khushi Kabir (human rights activist from Bangladesh), Zehra Khan (Spokesperson for the survivors of the burnt down factory of Ali Enterprises), Thumeka Magwangqana (South African civil rights activist), Itai Rusike (activist from Zimbabwe), Friederike Schmitz (animal rights activist)

Motion 2.3: Regulation of global economy and global trade must always serve the interests of the economic players and institutions that contribute most efficiently to the prosperity of the region in which the economic activity takes place.
Delegates: Prince Kihangi (expert on raw materials policy in the Congo), Sami Miaari (Liberal economist, Tel Aviv University), Nasir Mansoor (Pakistani trade unionist), Alina Banu (Romanian activist for Roşia Montană), Uwe Kekeritz (Alliance 90/The Greens)

Closing statement: Jo Seoka (Bishop and activist)

5pm to 8pm

Third Plenary Session: Migration and Border Regime

While the borders are becoming increasingly open for European corporations, the barriers for international trade in goods and government debts are being reduced, and the free movement of persons is meant to facilitate the perfect allocation of labor force, safety concerns are causing the formation of new borders. But which institutions are responsible for the safety of mobile people when protection by the national state can no longer be ensured? How can the principle of rights for every human being and the interrelated concept of a “world citizen” be specifically outlined and enshrined? In the “General Assembly”, labor migrants and so-called economic refugees, the disenfranchised border crossers and overextended guards will debate and decide on these issues.

Motion 3.1: Economic integration – from the free trade agreement to the monetary union – must not bring about the loss of the political rights of individual citizens. The governments and international organizations involved in the affiliation must be placed under the control of a transnational democratic authority in which all regions are represented.
Delegates: Christos Giovanopoulos (co-organizer of the protests at Syntagma Square in Athens), Gonzalo Piñan (artist from Spain, economic migrant), Quim Arrufat (Candidatura d’Unitat Popular), Itai Rusike (activist from Zimbabwe), Simon Selle (children and youth Parliament)

Motion 3.2: The fundamental rights of economic migrants and refugees, which include the right to freedom of movement and the free choice of employment, must be ensured on a global scale. Within five years, their fundamental rights must be expanded to include political rights (local and national voting rights) at their place of residence. In the long term, transnational civil rights must be enforced.
Delegates: [fallen ill: Barbara Miranda Caro (activist from Chile)],Mitat Özdemir (Turkish engineer, German migrant worker in the 60’s), Abou Bakar Sidibé (filmmaker, refugee from Mali), Joana Adesuwa Reiterer (activist against human trafficking), Martin Pairet (European Alternatives)

Motion 3.3: The fundamental right to security is binding beyond all borders. The right to protection against any specific or potential danger must be ensured for all people, regardless of their origin, in any territory.
Delegates: Hamze Bytyci (Roma activist), Meera Jamal (journalist from Pakistan), Cezary Gmyz (Polish journalist), Mohamed Taha Sabri (Imam in Neukölln), Jean-Louis Gilissen (lawyer at the ICC, defense attorney)

Closing statement: Ulrike Guérot (Professor for European Policy and Democracy Studies)

Sunday, 5 November 2017

10am to 1pm

Fourth Plenary Session: Cultural Global Commons

The technological revolutions of the past twenty years have provided access for many people around the world to information and cultural assets, which used to be exclusive or regional. These developments exacerbate a number of transnational cultural conflicts, which revolve around the contradictions between the demands for a universal cultural heritage and cultural values and regional or national traditions and practices. Proponents of universal values are often accused of supporting hegemony and advocates of local traditions are under suspicion of extremism. In the “General Assembly”, the topics of cultural principles, liberties and politics of memory will be debated on by the destroyers and curators of cultural possessions, the artists and the provoked religious representatives, the descendants of the colonial masters and their archives as well as the forgotten dead.

Motion 4.1: Knowledge and information must be accessible to all world citizens. Institutions managing and processing knowledge and information must be under transnational democratic control at all times in order to prevent abuse of power due to non-transparency.
Appendix: To protect personhood in the digital age, we must extend the constitutional definition of a person to include the technologies by which we augment and extend our selves. It, therefore, follows that knowledge and information about people must belong to the individuals themselves, knowledge and information about the world in general must belong to the commons, and that the systems managing and processing knowledge and information must be decentralised to prevent abuse of power due to centralised ownership and control.
Delegates: Naomi Colvin (activist, Courage Foundation), Ala’a Shehabi (activist against surveillance),Aral Balkan (cyborg rights activist), Cian Westmoreland (former drone engineer and Whistleblower)

Motion 4.2: The determination of cultural heritage and achievements in terms of the history of ideas, which are valuable to all humankind and must be preserved for future generations, must be legitimized by a transnational democratic authority.
Delegates: Khushi Kabir (human rights activist from Bangladesh),[Fouad El Haj (Palestinian activist)], Igal Avidan (journalist of Isreali origin),
Maxim Shevchenko (Russian journalist, expert on religious policy), Kim Lee (Polish drag queen)

Motion 4.3: National and elitist politics of memory must be replaced by a transnational democratic negotiation process, in which the significance of historical events and crimes, the respective memorials and the redress for past injustices must be consistently reassessed by the parties affected.
Delegates: Mnyaka Sururu Mboro (activist from Tanzania), Bernadus Swartbooi (former Minister of Land Reform in Namibia), Mihran Dabag (Historiker armenischer Herkunft), Tugrul Selmanoğlu (AKP supporter),Israel Kaunatjike (Herero activist)

Closing statement: Chantal Mouffe (Professor of Political Theory)

1.30pm to 4.30pm

Fifth Plenary Session: Natural Global Commons

For decades, experts have been agreeing on the fact that demographic developments and mass consumption cause uncontrollable ecological dynamics with devastating consequences for numerous peoples and other living creatures. The necessary measures, however, stand in stark contrast to the economic interests of the industrial nations and emerging countries, as well as to the legitimate demands for economic development in the Third World. In the “General Assembly”, the worldwide conflicts regarding natural resources and the right to life and physical integrity will be discussed by the representatives of humans, animals and plants, whose current and future habitats are being destroyed.

Motion 5.1: The destruction of the living environment and habitat of humans, animals and plants must be stopped by enforcing mandatory global regulations and laws, which are determined in democratically legitimate institutions in which the affected parties are represented. The natural or traditional inhabitants must always have priority over any other claim of ownership.
Delegates: Carmen Zambrano (activist from Ecuador), Dieter Gerten (Professor of global change climatology and hydrology), Hilal Sezgin (animal rights activist), Feri Irawan (activist against palm oil companies in Indonesia)

Motion 5.2: The worldwide production of food, consumer goods and energy has to be regulated by the enforcement of globally binding and democratically legitimized sanctions. The mass consumption has to be contained in order to prevent far-reaching damages and uncontainable consequences for the ecosystem and the livelihood.
Appendix: All sentient beings must not be considered and used as resources, means of production or products. Instead, their political interests have to be considered in the decision-making process mentioned above.
Delegates: Kathrin Hartmann (journalist, critic of the Green Economy), Giorgio Fidenato (libertarian farmer and activist), Friederike Schmitz (animal rights activist), Kiringai Kamau (Kenyan rural entrepreneur), Melvin Purzuelo (climate activist from the Philippines)

Motion 5.3: The right to life and physical integrity must apply to all sentient beings. This includes all animals and human beings, regardless of their origin or place of residence, whether they are already born or will be born in the future.
Appendix: The right to life and physical integrity must apply to all humans and animals that are already born. Relating to the unborn sentient beings, the right not to be born has to prevail all other rights. It has to be ensured by the unconditional access to contraception, abortion and sterilization.
Delegates: [fallen ill: Kamel Mohanna, (Lebanese doctor and human rights activist)], Sebastian Urbanski (actor with Down syndrome), Cornelia Kaminski (federal association for the right to live), Théophile De Giraud (antinatalist), Colin Goldner (Great Ape Project)

Closing statement: Anu Muhammad (economist)

5pm to 7pm

Closing Session

In the closing session, the political observers will summarize the main political demands and resolved directives, which resulted from the representatives’ debates during the five plenary sessions, and outline the “Charter for the 21st Century”.

Speakers: Milo Rau (director, author and initiator of the „General Assembly“), Wolfgang Kaleck (human rights attorney, founder of the ECCHR) & Nasir Mansoor (Pakistani trade unionist), Anu Muhammad (professor of economics), Jo Seoka (Bishop and activist), Chantal Mouffe (professor of political theory), Mathias Stein (member of the German Parliament, SPD), Mely Kiyak (columnist and author), Robert Misik (Journalist, political writer), Raul Zelik (writer, journalist and political scientist)